Wilshire LA


Los Angeles and a beautiful theatre built in 1874, they forgot to put a dressing room in behind the stage so we used the bus. Tonight was a good show without being wonderful, I’m having problems with the sound but its nobody’s fault its just in my head. I felt like i did a good show and afterwards mingled with everyone at the merch stand, as you do. Pete Thomas was there and Adam Levy two really lovely people and fine musicians. My daughter Natalie flew in from New York today and we hung out for lunch and she came to the show, its good to see her. She is such a great girl and stands in her won wonderfulness without any of the trimmings. So pleased to see her. After the show i drove back to the hotel, five miles. A rare in the room moment by 10.30. Room service, naughty, and bed. Back stage there seems to be chaos as everyone mucks in at the tasks in hand, which there are many, all hands on deck as it were, CD’d being burnt, i Pads to be programmed and drinks to be found. Its like being in the circus sometimes as the crew glide by as if on wheels doing so much of the work, all i do is try to stand upright and sing where i need to and find my fingers on the fretboard in all the right places. Its all noise, in the end it all passes and we come around the block to be in the same place until you stop. Upstairs above my room in the hotel i hear the thud thud of dance music being played, its like torture, and who would be digging this at 10am in the morning! I find music like this so painful and empty, who makes it and who is upstairs starting their day to the drip drip of thud thud. I never hear Joni being played in hotel rooms above me! those were the days. To combat the emptiness of such trite music i plan to walk for an hour and see if it wears off. Are there people dancing up there? is someone really reading the Los Angeles Times while sipping orange juice and drinking in the beats of boredom.