


The Wapping project is a wonderful place to eat, i have been going there for 10 years. Art and music join together with food very well i think, and last night we had a great time feeling our way around this new venue. Charlie Wood who comes from Memphis delivered a fine set of self penned songs on the piano, he swings from many styles and nestles well in the jazz. One day i hope to write with him but i fear his lyrics are too good for me. Chris Sheehan, who i love as a friend and co writer sang two songs and as ever his voice lyric and all round loveliness embraced us all. Paul Aiden sang with great voice, a new talent with great songs. Check him out, he is tall. The room was mostly filled with people noshing and tipping wine, as you might expect. Some had come just to watch and swig beer, others had come from the book reading in another part of the building. This is a cool place, a great home for anyone who loves food, and song. I played for half an hour and for some reason played all the Squeeze songs i could like they were written by the Velvet Underground. It was fun to play around with the tempo and cast a dark veil over some very pretty melodies that i normally find hard to sing. Im about to work on a new set for the tour in May, so im trying this and that out where i can. The room is so large that the voice just sits in mid air up near the mirror ball and the steel rafters, the room cathedral like empowers the heart to strive for the real. A tough room, but a chance to try something new and open. And yum too. A good night had by all i think. Norman Lovett came along to say hello, he lives next door, he will be on my tour in May, so watch out for the dates. I used to live in Wapping, i really enjoyed being there, its old London in many ways, a place to watch the river and imagine the history as it flows by. The magical shadows that fall on dark nights along the walls of the old tea Wharfs, its a place of change. Come along next week on the 29th to see the Leap year show with my good friend Mark Nevin, and some more velvets. Wapping Wall London E1.