
Twos day


Like it or lump it its Tuesday and outside the fog curtains off the daylight, the grey sleeps heavy on my heart as i wake, i look out and see that time is slowly drifting into the future. I think about last night and how great the writers were at performing and how great this is for the ship, i think about the day ahead and stroll through my head with breakfast on a wing. Tuesday, what kind of day is Tuesday. Ruby Tuesday, see you next Tuesday, Tuesday heartbreak. Im in a mood and i cant seem to clip it, the mood is as deep as the fog horn on this ship. We waffle through the waves, the door in my room is open to the spray of the passing rain. I can’t pretend to be anywhere else than here. My morning massage was so intense a young Serbian chap with massive arms dug deep into my soul with his masculinity and fibre, i was gone on the table down in the bottom of my heart searching for this moment to pass, he said i was tense more on one side than the other, he rubbed me deeply with oil, we talked about Serbian music, school and the tuba, which he played at school. I was removed from me while we went on a walk in his world. I think im done. I can feel it in my soul some days, being here with me, there is no place like home and how i wish i had one, One day home will return and i will put my feet up to enjoy the daylight of each year, today home is moving, from Marylebone to Dulwich, but its not home, its boxes of stuff with me written all over them. The grand hobo renting his way through the middle world. Like it or lump it, its Tuesday. The rest of the day. I played in the Planetarium to an almost full house, the table for one show went down well enough, joined by good Geoff and lovely JB. It was great to sing and be the other person. Back up in the room and more fog, more horn blowing and then dinner with the team, its all about food. In the evening Face time with the one i love and then this, me and my email life. Ships. We are steaming through the night, i can feel it. Down below everyone is in the Ward Room having drinks with the crew. Its a fun night below decks, and more tomorrow. I want to be home with my princess, it wont be long. Time, what has become of it. My back is killing me. I might need to see that man again with the tuba. Meanwhile its time to pack up my troubles in my old kit bag and smile, smile, smile. Bed and smile. We lose an hour tonight, Wind speed force five. Steady. So many great people so little time in life to know them all and hug them from within.