7 years ago
Today I received a box of books here at the Edinburgh festival, where Boo Hewerdine and myself are playing songs and telling some jokes. The paperback of my book is now released with its extra chapter now wraps up the story thus far. I have really enjoyed the process of being with a book, its tale has whipped around in the dust behind me. I hope you enjoy it. The festival has been a learning curve, and one I have found most rewarding. A one hour show is tough to master but I think today, show three, we are on the way. Boo and I have been in tune with each other and our full houses have been fabulous, we even had a few standing ovations. Food has been high on the agenda and tonight we went to the most delicious Indian restaurant, as we walked in the electric went off, but they managed to cook us up some fine tuck, http://www.mezbaan.co.uk
After a waddle home it was time to sit and reflect on the world around me, confused, slightly frustrating and beyond my control. I have no need to know why people are the way they are, there are no winners or losers, just people, forgiveness and hope. Looking forward to next year and the show beyond this, one I’m working on during the moments I have spare in the meantime. I like working on something new, its inspiring to me to keep close to the story, the imagination. Next stop more stages. Dates to follow for this year and the new show for next year. Exciting. In all reality the washing machine is on and so is the Jazz radio station, its time to fold up the day and make a nest for the coming weeks, as me and Mrs D move our home. A few more shows with the band along the route and then bed for a few months for the old set list. Until next time, whenever that might be. Who knows. Squeeze gets parked back in the bus garage along with all the other double deckers for another season. Out all the summers shows so far we have played the Wickham festival was the most fun, no backing tracks, no drum machine just us on a tight wire having fun. As it should be. Back in the bus station the double decker sleeps.
Back to the book, and its lovely seeing it as a paperback, its now part of the past with its light and shade, the book has provided me with some very tricky feelings, but mostly its left me filled with love. I will never know the power of the word as much as I do today, I feel tired now. All that maters is the now, because thats all I really have. And here right now I have a full tum, my heart is filled with love and I’m sipping my way through a decaf coffee before bed. Mrs Difford is at home with the villains, and there on the horizon, the house that will become their home. Rocket, home, the musical, home. the book, the poems the songs, home, the life the kids the curry. Thank you for seeing the shows, reading my book and walking with me into the next stage of my musical journey which started in my bedroom when I was 17 years old. A wanker with a long imagination, a driven fibber and the boy who stole the clouds from the sky. Without the support of each and every person who comes to my shows, reads my book, hears my songs I think life would be challenging. My ambition in life is I hope to give back what others have kindly given to me over the years, on stage here in Edinburgh it feels like the marriage between admirers and friends is working out ok. All I need now is to keep on ploughing the fields of love with a tractor made of happiness with a crop of optimism and trust. Trust in the process.