The Off

Toronto, day off. Sushi go

As if i we needed one, but we had one anyway. I went around the shops and bought some gifts, emailed, eat food, after having such a bad nights sleep i lost it and turned in. Losing it is ok, its like shedding a skin. The going home, the music facing the embryo of a future all balanced like a bail on top of a stump. i don’t know, i should listen to wind, it knows more than i. Diner tonight with Richard and JB in the local Sushi where they now call me Mr Chris. Tour talk and the bar and bed. Its a nice life really, it all adds up in the end. And going home scares me, i have a very busy week ahead of me once back in London and then im leaning back for a few days, leaning back on the here and now.

Thank you friends and thank you again.