
Toronto, beer festival

Back Camera

Playing a beer festival is not my idea of a proper show in Toronto and I was right, there was a small but happy crowd and a park full of people walking from tent to tent in search of the good stuff, the amber nectar and the brewers droop. No production, we looked cheap, but we played a good set and I enjoyed my playing, my amp was amazing, it was hired in. No sale. On the hop most of the day, in and out of the van to and from the gig, back for some light sushi and for diner Chinese here in the hotel with some sober friends. One of which knows the guy who made my Jaguar back in the day when I could afford to build cars for fun. It was a beauty, black with red leather interior, goose neck lamps for the kids in the back, and tables. It was my pride and joy, the tax man came and it went, it went to Japan. I will show you a picture of it below. Small world. Next week we will be home, and life will not have changed much at all, it never does, but you hope or think it might. Like the moon, you go off around the earth, go dark then come back, and its still light. In my room on the 21st floor I can see huge TV screens down the street, showing stuff, and down below people are heading out to bars, the band are already there. This morning I could feel the pain of the hangovers and smell the breathing of not much sleep. They had a good time and that’s all that’s worth knowing, so good luck to them. I’m off to bed now for some shut eye, thank you for this day, I’m so grateful for your love and your time.

I am peaceful I am happy, I am free of all suffering. I wish you the same, but with bells on.

Japan loves you.

Thank you friends and thank you again.