14 years ago
Its a long day today, blue sky though and blue water to match. The on board team of Zoe Racheal and Courtney are keeping us well looked after, we are becoming family on board ship. The workshops seemed to stall this morning but by tonight it all came together and smiles returned to the room. Diner was lovely and so was the puddings. Tonight in the bar a rendition of Songs in the key of London and New York, it went down a storm and the place was jammed, each writer put so much into it the reward a night on the dance floor i guess. Encore and all of that. A rounded day on a pointed ship. We seem to be half way there, but im not really sure. Thanks to all the wonderful crew here who have made us part of the team, the next two days should really glue everything together for the future. Meanwhile back in the heat of London, face time and long talks about the here and now the future and love. Its wonderful to feel this way, its not so great being away, but i can support when away i just have to reach further and harder. Tonight the Fish said to me that i must be proud of what i do on the ship, i was touched, as it had not been something i had thought about, but yes im proud and yes im proud of the smile that lights my journey each day. All the way from Dulwich.