
Temptation by the fruit of another


Boo Hewerdine is such a great person to work with, he sits by my side, i type the words, he strums and sings. Its like having a suit made. He cuts the cloth and within a few weeks im mincing about in the songs we have crafted, side by side over a cup of mint tea and the odd fag break for Boo. He gets me. I remember being in Brighton and meeting Boo from the station, we would sit at my desk and write and then eat and then write more, and then we would find a studio and cut the tracks with our mates, what a great idea, a thrill indeed. John Wood who recorded Squeeze back in the day and Nick Drake further back in the day came down from Scotland to twist the knobs and record the songs, it was such a pleasure working with him, but sadly he got caught up with Pro tools and the massive handbook it came with, it was like watching a postman try and deliver a baby. I loved his work on this album and all who sailed in her, Tim Wellar on drums, a big thrill for me to work with, he was thoughtful and focused. Boo did most of the playing and laid down the guides for me to sing with. Hard work indeed. Eastbourne was our home while we recorded and the nice sandwiches from next door. I had brass on a few tracks, i was on fire. Who would have thought. Boo and i toured and once again Dorie came to hold my voice in hers, how lovely for me and how lucky. She is such an angel, the vocal headmistress. We toured around the country with our songs all wrapped up in the small rooms with tiny PA’s. It was where we were supposed to have been. Stiff put the album out for me and today it gets played alongside its predecessor in the car. Boo and i have a suit, we wear it well, i sometimes wear it in my everyday, when i stand alone on the stage i try to lean on the shadows of my great friends who helped me get where i am, with all the temptations that fall at my feet. Im a lucky bugger, and Boo is a busy bugger.