
Sunday sea


The songwriter groups are in full swing, its different this time to last not sure why that is, its not better its not worse or the same its just another new experience. Johns group are led by a lady in her seventies, i had a listen in and i was warmed by how cosy the song sounded, John is a great asset to the week, he is so kind and happy with people. Simon is on full steam working hard to involve all 14 people into one song while trying to include the tree youngsters, he does a great job and would be sadly missed if he was not here. Angie is finding her feet putting people into groups, Amy is too. Kate has it nailed already. Geoff is doing great, the whole team is working well. We were five minutes late this afternoon for group, didn’t hear the bell ring! but everyone seemed ok nobody left the ship, all is well. In the evening we rehearsed for the show tomorrow night and hung out at the bar, laughing was on the menu and Simon supplied most of the punch lines. Gerry Springer walked in and said hello, the lights dimmed as he did so, very surreal. Outside in the sea a moderate choppy crossing, windy and not warm, yet back in the UK there is a heat wave. I always miss heat waves and good weather. My daughter Grace is in South America on a walkabout with a friend, she sent an email saying it was cold over there but she loved the journey. Riley is at home working on his animation, which is amazing. Cissy has sailed through her O levels and is now looking for something to do this summer, and Nat bags in New York about to start her first movie. All good. I miss the family and i miss home, i always do when im away but its all going fine here on board ship i have great friends. Back to the cabin, back to reality, a view of the sea and a few songs on the i tunes, shanty time in room 907. Sailing on the QM2 is such a great thing, i feel very lucky. Away from home but lucky.