
Sunday rehearsals on a Sunday


Up at Glenn’s studio there is work going on, new desks being bolted into place, it seems exciting and even more so when we all turn up to run the songs for the Tuesday set. Everyone seems in a Sunday mood, we sort of swim slowly over the songs and manage to make sense of what we have to do. Glenn has a set idea, we all seem happy with it. After some tea cakes and tea we head for the hills and me to a Sushi place around the corner from my home, i fancy a treat. Green Tea ice cream as a bonus. Fat git. The big week is almost here and the Albert Hall TCT week is about to take off, its been a dream of mine to play during one of these weeks, so here we are. Glenn gifted me Spotify and now im on it all day long, but how long will it be before we can have this sort of thing in the car, not long i hope. London is always so quite on a Sunday night and its wonderful to hear the quite. Beneath me i can normally hear the sound of tube trains, but not tonight. One more cup of tea. Life is good today, the sun is back Spring is in the air its getting darker later and my tummy is full of joy. What can you say to that. God rest Sunday.