The Offi

Squeeze rehearsals


Taking public transport is fun, i simply walk to Bond street and get an underground train that takes me to North Greenwhich and from here i walk along the river to the studio. Blue sky thinking. There are so many faces in this world, how do we all look so differerent its a miracle. I get time to read my book and look at people on the tube, its simple. In the studio the band with new old member Stephan Large run through the new old songs, and everything sounds good, fresh even. Lunch calls a large hole in the day and Glenn provides us all with a Spotify mix. Being here in Greenwhich makes me feel nostalgic as this is where my Father used to work, at the Gas Works. The walk takes my mind off the stove where feelings boil over as i recall the stupidity of hurt. Its been a rum old cove. 3 days slip by and slowly the songs take shape and fall into place, the Orchestra news for the Royal Albert Hall show is good, minds are focused on the evening two weeks away. At night im writing my book and new lyrics eating loads and mincing around the hood, Mary hood. The Gas Works….its here.