The Offic



One hour stolen in the night did little for my morning, its catch up time. Outside the cold dominates the village, its the jet stream. Its keeping the warmer weather down south across the middle of this wonderful earth of ours. Sunday is a time for peace and love. Louise is cooking a stew, that is love. Nothing could be finer than her love and the smell coming from behind me in the kitchen. The sprats are eating eggs and being younger than spring time, outside walkers bravely march by as March comes to a close. Next week, more of the same and then the April showers and slightly warmer air. Who really knows. Time is frozen, just for today. In the future a barn, a home and wonder. Above a small picture of the barn now, cold standing in a field waiting to be loved. And then, two great albums appear on my desktop. Chris Wood yesterday and today James Hunter, im in heaven. James is such a nice man and his voice is shaking, it sounds so lived in and warm, like the man himself. Both albums need long car journeys, none that i can see. Another addition is Prince, with his new band, very in the groove….loud please. Dinner tonight was amazing, thank you Lou. The children stick noses up and nudge around the sides, we have all been there. The hour missing is filled now with catching up and that heavy scent of Sunday. Nice spuds.