12 years ago
The band completed the album with Chris Thomas and now its in its bag and ready for release, the birth was a tender one, many meetings about art work and track listings took place, in the end the band got what they needed, as it should be. Its a great album im very proud to have taken a part in it, its 38 minutes of fast furious teenage talent. The songs are well crafted and the covers are well chosen, everyone played a vital part in making the best possible record. Mike Smith at Virgin EMI, as it now it, gave them the rope, Chris Thomas gave his retired time and understanding, which was amazing to be part of. Julian guided them through the various hoops that record companies make you jump through and the back room boys and girls put all hands to the wheel. My first album with Squeeze was a long time ago, and in time i have grown to love the madness of its making, the raft of great songs that fell by the way side amazed me then as it does now, but in the end Take me did the trick. It only takes one song sometimes. Snapshot will open many doors and in years to come i think the band will be very proud of what they have given to the world. As the ship slowly moves down the jetty into the river, the launch of another career in music takes to the choppy waters of life. Im on board with Niall putting coal in the engine while the lads drop their damp clothes in the dressing room for another day. I love working with Niall, he is ever so caring and the team is completed with Julian Wright and Jazz at Rocket. Clare and Mitch are below deck working hard on hot days, and cold ones too. Its all about the people out there now, the people who will make the band successful. Japan are going nuts for the album, the UK is coming up slowly and America is next year. All this and time to scratch my arse and get married too, not a bad year so far.