The O



I woke up with bird shit all over my car, so i headed over to Hull to have it cleaned off, and then happily drove over to Selby. A pleasant enough town, very quite for a Sunday. I walked around in a daze hungover from little sleep and nothing to eat for breakfast. I was lost in the sunshine of life. The venue is a splendid small theatre with two lovely Chris’s who run things, i felt thrilled to be in a nice place with nice people. An Indian meal and then on stage to a full house. I was a bit silly over camp and not at all myself. But we had fun, Boo is amazing and so supportive on stage. David Saw is so great on guitar, and his songs are lovely too. Dorie is as ever a fire of love and harmony. Back in the limo and down the M1 to my bed, but coffee kept me awake, i was up half the night. Sunday. Radio ix on a Sunday night is really good to listen to, Guy played court of the crimson king and i was transported back to my bedroom at home when i was a boy, i was all over my single bed in a mound of imagination and hope. King Crimson were my band. I saw them twice in London and loved the deepness of the prog. Im a prog bitch at heart. Back down the M1 and through Crinklewood. postcards and words that mean less than the stamps we lick. Led Zep too, im on it tonight……rock the rock cakes.