The Offici

San Fran Dango


Japan town seems dog eared  these days and not as original as it did the first time i came to San Fransisco. Sushi under blue skies and a brief walk, no blossom on the trees this time. Here we are then for two days, I’m in a hotel and already, oddly, i miss the bus and its womb like warmth. The purr is its engine. I am still for today. The show was fantastic, the audience were in tune with our songs and the whole show zipped by, Glenn played out of his skin and I’m always impressed by his authority when he sings, its bang in tune. Tonight his guitar playing was off the scale, the twanging sound of the Tele was a thrill. For us all. We were oscillating again like to valves. Someone asked a question from the crowd, a young woman had read my blogs and thought i was depressed. It reads like that I’m sure, as the glass is often half empty with me, however depression can be read in two different ways, its a state of mind which is linked to mental issues, which alcoholics have. The darkness is often a comfort blanket, oddly its a safe place to be for some people and even if i write like I’m down I’m actually at home and within the boundaries of my life. And I’m happy there. When people point out that you may be depressed if often makes you feel even more depressed, and during the songs that followed that comment i found myself trying hard to pull myself back into the show. Have you heard the one about….there was an English man Irish man and a ……I’m not that kind of person. Im happy in my own way like a crab is happy walking sideways along a beach in search of some stones to hide beneath. Im in the centre of my day more than most, and content with the love i have in my life. I have foundation and this builds my creativity into a figure made of clay which is me. It was a good question, it was a good show and i was pleased to get to my bed and make the call home to Louise who is having a very difficult time being Mum to three demanding little people while I’m here eating Sushi and being that valve on stage which is glowing in the darkness of itself.

Night two was almost as sold out as night one, which is great as the ticket sales a few weeks ago were grim. After a long day passing time and shopping for nothing, i had diner with Nat, she leaves tomorrow back to New York and home. She lights up a room that one, very proud. I remember when she was in a nappy crawling along the floor, how quickly life moves, and turns the pages for you. Our show was passable but not one for the history books, afterwards the merch greet and some really nice people there to say hello to. Tonight we head off on the bus for  a 2,000 mile trip to Minneapolis and I’m ready for bed, although bed will be. Back home the snow is falling and the heating is not doing its job. This week we too will see snow I’m sure in the mid West.