The Offici

Rotterdam Spam


Woke up in pieces, one bit at a time and walked around the corner to have breakfast in the American hotel, very reasonable. Sat in the sunshine by a water fountain. Back at the hole we packed our bags and climbed into the cars for Rotterdam. Here we are, the hotel is the Ritz compared to the hole of yesterday. The show tonight was another speeding fine through the set, amazing. A nice place to play with good food and a full house. Twitter U Tube and Facebook, thats all it takes. I feel ready for bed but on UK time its only 8pm. This time next week and i will be Mr Difford and she will be Mrs Difford. Its going to happen. We have been texting all day, its exciting and everything seems to be coming tougher, we can’t plan the weather and the cold but we can pray and we pray. Ethan Johns was playing next door, it was good to see him in the hotel for a catch up, he is a lovely man, no nonsense kind of a man. Back home Lou and the sprats went for Sushi and Cissy went to a party, more jelly and cake i wonder. Bed and worry. Niall under a tree.