The Offici

Nirvana City Hall


One of the lovely things about this tour is having extended family on the road, the beautiful Lucy and Stephen with their son on board, and smiling Simon with his two whipper snappers. They all radiate love and family and thats all you need on a tour as long as this one is. I really miss home and its comforts, its regular routines and side dishes. Being away is what i do, its the final frontier its the trenches and the high seas, then why is it always a struggle? Because. Tonight in Sheffield the show whizzed into another gear, we all seemed to play well and were relaxed. The City Hall is magnificent in all of its glory it stands as a building of great courage and hope. It felt like a concert tonight, the flow and the ebb all seemed to jell. If thats a word. After the show we sign things, and a cake turned up, a replica of our album sleeve. A long day, the drive from Bristol took almost 6 hours and the drive afterwards to Birmingham another 2 in the fog, pea soup.  The support i get from Mrs D is endless and lovely, its been an emotional day as i ramble with tiredness and heartache, she manages to cool my jets and even though she is feeling it too she remains holding on to the balloons that very nearly drag me away. Thank you Sheffield home of the great Paul Carrack, a man i love writing songs with, a man who’s calmness also inspires me. When we write together i hear the voice of Sheffield, its a passion its a love and a soul.