New York


The tour ends here. Its been another tour, another road less travelled. We have played well as expected and we have given a good show, its time for a slap on the back and some hats in the air. There is so much more to discover about our music and our time together. In all these years we have only really tipped the ice berg. Roseland is a place i wont forget, we played to our faithful New York people, all of whom stood for most of the night. The dressing rooms were at best shit and how dare they call themselves a venue when they treat the band with such little respect. Im not sure this venue was for us, i think we came and played we should be proud of our audience for staying the pace. Afterwards it was good to see our friends. Chalkie made my trip to New York he is such a kind man. It was good to see Nicky and the crew, it was good to be there. We are lucky, we play our songs, some of them more than 30 years old and people mouth my words and sing the melodies that Glenn has housed them in, each room a different colour. Its over now, the tour that proved many things, most of them internal and hugely emotional. And now, a hole in my sock. Darn. Most of what i need to say about touring after all these years is best kept behind the smoke and mirrors that is our lives, mostly though the song, the song has survived us all and it is within this that we must learn for the future. Getting on the plane coming back home. Home to a new life, put the kettle on. A place to write some new songs, a home for tomorrow with all of its glory mystery and love.