13 years ago
Mitzi is 9 today, amazing to be 9, so young so much life ahead, its like being on the grid with the lights just about to change. Louise has some presents in her bag! In Napa everyone shopped and did this and that, the show was not full, as i expected. Last time we played here it was full and very happy, but we had a good show and the pizza was good. The kids and Lou stayed to watch the show, it was late and we drove back to SF after. My friend drove everyone around in his Rolls Royce, Robert is such a great chap, thank you. Their last night here on tour as they fly home tomorrow for Firle and school, its all change its all good. I will be sad in the morning and at the airport, that saying farewell thing is tough. Napa was done and dusted in a zip of a sip and a do da. The west coast is a well we should not mine again for a long while, thats obvious. This tour is a struggle finically i can’t even bring myself to think about the money we are losing, not since the days of Miles Copeland have i felt so under dressed. Maybe its all going to be. Its the now, so within that place im happy, but how do i stay here for more than 10 minutes without drifting back into the mini buses of the past. Today i feel like a lemon without the tart bit. Nice pizza on the way home in the car thanks to Dominos. Who would have known. 9, now thats a good number. The band looked great tonight in the dressing room until someone said three of us were wearing white shirts, it was like a cluster bomb had gone off as everyone, except me, went to the rails for another colour shirt, then we all looked the same but different. We played great though. Thank you Robert for driving us around such a great thing.