The Officia

Nap Crack and Sack


How could this be, the second night was completely different to the first night in such a great way, when Glenn and i oscillate we are like two valves in an old radio. We are getting there. The show is feeling right and our connection with the audience is reaching a sweet spot. Our buses look good in the parking lot of the hotel, Glenn on his and me on mine, and the crew in the hotel in their rooms. Its a nice way to travel and I’m getting to like the bus more than i thought i would. I feel a country album coming on! Its expensive and I’m well aware of that, so its not going to last. Mexicans food for lunch and Thai for tea. More cheese but only a short dream, i woke up bald as an egg, and raced to the mirror to scratch my head, no more cheese on this tour for me. When i was sailing on the Queen Mary a few years ago i had this feeling of journey, the letting go to be there, to arrive, to have been. I feel the waves of each day cluster alongside me as the hours role by and become days. Its a very warm feeling to know that all of my life i have been letting go in different ways, from the womb to love, from childhood toys to the very music i now recline in. The days which don’t come back are the ones you never get to see. Home is over the horizon beyond the next few weeks, coming into New York will be as exciting as it was from the top deck of the Queen Mary on the Hudson. Roll on the New Jersey Turnpike. While you are here please check out the shop on this page Christmas is coming and the goose is not getting fat!