10 years ago
A month of delivery, like the milkman from above, a new album mastered with sleeve and all notes, a deal with Universal (Virgin EMI) which lets us release the album on our own label first. Love that. The TV show (Cradle To Grave) is locked and also delivered, it looks and is fantastic, i feel so honoured to be part of this great journey. In the studio Glenn pressed on with some final changes and we managed to re work an old number with new words, and it sounds much much better, full review next month.
Mastering the album i realised how grown up the record sounded, dense yet lyrical and musically mature. Its been so long since Domino, and i felt removed from that process so this is the first real album for me since 1995 and Ridiculous, 20 years ago. Yikes. We did our first photo session in a few years and introduced Lucy into the band, she certainly makes us look younger. On the other hand we played our last show with John on bass, way up in Scotland at the Whicker Man Festival. It was an emotional stage, for many reason, it was so sad to see John leave and another chapter is folded over in the Squeeze bible, however nothing is forever, so who knows what the future holds for any of us. I see this as a beginning and not the end, and i hope i conveyed this to John over what seemed like a Christmas Dinner in the catering tent backstage. Talking Turkey in July?
On route to the show i stopped off near Bolton to play a solo show, Peter Kay came by to have some food at my hotel, and then to join me later on stage. He introduced me and the small but very happy crowd were then entertained for the next two hours. Peter was on top form and me in stitches like a child at his side. Oswaldwhistle is a small place with a big heart and this show will go down in local folklore as being one of the funniest nights ever. Peter introduced me as the bloke who never sung the songs, or knows the chords, i rambled on stage knowing he was right but it was funny, i feel that. He said that the audience should ask for their money back. I tried to sing a few songs but it was hopeless, Peter sung Tempted with me, not like Donny and Marie but like Arthur and Martha. Thank you Peter for giving so much love to us all, laughter can buy happiness and in that we all like the smell of love as we buckle with the weight of a good belly laugh. The very next day and i drop in on Amberley Castle where my son Riley has his picture on the wall, its a very impressive home, and has such potential for live shows and workshops. Where do i fit in? well we will discover this over time. My Son has married the wonderful Natasha and her Mother owns this fine piece of brick and tower. 950 miles in two days, a wonderful drive through this beautiful land filled with the love of a new record, Peter and so much more. A solo show, a Squeeze show, a talk followed by another solo show, two days of doing and being. The last show of this manic two days was a walk away from home in Alfriston, beautiful, in a small chapel filled with lovely people and the amazingly giving and talented Arcalia. A lovely evening with the smallest dressing room in the world, otherwise known as a cupboard. Job done, home to rest in the arms of.
Back home Louise was in Spain with the step dustbin lids, i missed not having her close to me, as she bathed in the pool with her friend and children. The barn was an empty shell, just me and the dog. I pottered about doing this and then doing that, i do a good dust and clean, a good move about with things, i love to potter. Cissy and Tom came home from their month away, they seem refreshed and happy, what was not to like. The traveling bug bites deep. Home. I have a new study and wish for more time to be in it to create, to write more and just be, however the year is filling up, and filling up with all things Squeeze and gathered shadows in law. There is no rush in life, yet there seems to be, the race seems on, but to where and why? Slowing down would be useful but not necessary as this is all i know and all i do, the driving the playing the singing and the doing and being. But there it is the study of the future, where i hope to create more of me. A place to sacrifice all. Surrender to what is. Say yes to life and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.
July came and went like a train through a station, there i stood with suitcase in hand as it whistled by, how time fly’s. And now as i look into the future i see so many shows, so many chords and shapes to pull, Christmas is soon to be as the rest of the year races into view. Its good thought to rest and regale each other with the past, as it will focus on the here and the now as we do so. I fell very happy with things, i have all i need to get by, yes i would like this and that as we all would but for now there is food on the table and happy faces. Clouds up above pull faces, trees shudder in the summer wind, we are green and blue but it is and English Summer. The delivery is here, the album sleeve looks great, the album sounds great the plans sound great, the family is great, i am great, cheese is great. Im handing it all over as best i can, its good to let it all go and realises that my part in all of this is to walk on, to read a few lines and walk off. The lights flood, the heat rises and we are all in this together, and as Peter says, ask for your money back you have booked the wrong guy. Next year things will change and i will have a new show to waffle on about, and more about this soon, there it is in the barrel brewing like some great monks beer, one drop will knock you from your stool. And i will walk on from stage left and it will be me, again, but this time with more of me with nobs on. Its a balance, home and work, touring and being, its never been this busy it seems and in knowing I’m feeling the greatness of my life. Like a red and green shinny Apple in the fruit bowl, bold and delicious. Eat now or rot over time. July was the milkman’s month and down the street he came with all the crates full of wonderful things, the album, the changes, the photo’s the touring, the goodbyes and the welcome’s, the motorways and carparks. He had some real treats on his milk van.