
Mercury Musselbourgh


As if things could not get any better, and retrograde hits, i can feel it already, its pinching my sides. In the car and off to pick up Doz and David for our six hour drive to Musslebourgh in Scotland. Its a long one. The Theatre is small and compact, there is plenty of room for my imaginary friends. Back stage cake from London. Back stage Thai from across the street. I drive i pack up my gear, i sell CD’s i sort out the money, i drive some more and get arrested for speeding, we reach Glasgow and the hotel. Im on the DVLA web site. I can feel it. Its all about me. I hope things calm down soon and maybe i can sit at home and write some more of my book and the words for Glenn. I love this part of my life but it sometimes pushes me to the limits of my prayer. Its all of my own doing so i must take full ownership of this life. Its true, what you give out you get back, what you control you lose, what you love you are loved by and when you sleep your dreams are being nestled in the Subconscious of another dream.