
Lord Mary


Sleep was not an easy commodity, the room creeks and the ship rolls from side to side. and a strange bed. I drew the curtains at 7am, and there outside the sea, and nothing but the sea, the wind and the sea. We are all at sea. I had my breakfast and met with Caroline and the crew to talk through the plan. Sixty people turned up to be part of the songwriting workshops that will now follow. I split them into six groups and talked about the days ahead, everyone seemed happy and ready to work. One man, about 65, came up to me and said i should learn to speak with a clearer voice, i was impressed and took on board his comments. He is in recovery and wont be seen for a few days. There are all sorts on board, not least 600 Germans. Before a brief lunch i went up to the bridge to see the Captain and then down in the bottom of the ship to see the engine rooms with Paul and Caroline, who is more a geek than i am. A full on guide around the ship. It does 29 feet to the gallon you know. The afternoon group came and went, the groups formed and i could hear the beginnings of a few ideas, but then things changed, the weather turned and the ship started to roll, Chris S turned white, and Kate went to bed, my sea legs held up but my head was all over the place. After diner we all went to the bar at the front of the ship to play some songs and hang out with the smart people, Chris made it through two songs before getting an injection in his arse, Claire sang in Welsh! not sure why, and EJ sang people happy with some covers. Simon played drums and mucked in so well as he does. A nice night in the bar with the ship on high heels. 22 knots, a wind of 19mph across the bow, just off the Irish coast this morning and now, at midnight, way out there. Moderate seas, force 5. Im not sure what to make of it, one minute im all in tune with my job here and the next im wondering whats going on. Im not going anywhere fast so im happy to live in the day, the hour even and enjoy the madness of nautical travel. Everyone i meet on board seems happy to get dressed up and take part in the adventure of it all, and why not it costs fortunes to be here on this crossing. Distance from Southampton 738 Miles. I have a candle alight in my room, the lights are low, the shudder of the ship is constant and the noises are constant too, i feel part of it all, part of life. How did my Dad ever go to War in a small ship with all of his mates out on the high seas with no radar no stabilisers and no bed sheets with Cunard sown into them, from Belfast to Africa, he was young and brave, he was doing what he had to with a smile and a heart full of golden rays. I have truly nothing at all to complain about. This is the life, thank you. Loving Mary.