The Official Ch

HP Love Craft


Since i have been back from America in November i have been mostly plotting and rhyming my way around my desk. Another page in the Squeeze ledger has been opened and in it i can see a tour in the UK with a new album around the same time. America too if everything falls into place. One door closes and another one opens they say. Its a way off down the line but its good to plan up front, even though for a recovering alien like me, thats tough. Its exciting, its in the future.

Recently I have been playing some house concerts which i love, in my shop you can book your very own, its easy and fun. I also played a few shows with the wonderful Arcelia and there is more to look forward to in the New Year. More writers weeks to sharpen my pencil for too, there will be more on this very soon. Its all about giving back, and to give back the charmed life i have had as a writer is delightful. Life is good. People ask me about my book, well i have been writing and the news is good, its almost there, it should be out in time for the Edinburgh Book Festival next August. I will tour the book the following year if all goes to plan. Its been a long time coming and at last i have turned a corner with the arc of the story, some arc, some turning. For now though, its all about the new Squeeze album, and here i am at my desk wrestling with ideas and notes collected over the last year. In my be next blog i will expand upon the new year and delicately cast a lazy eye over the last.

Each day is filled with so much and before i know where iam its Christmas and im back down the sodding shops. The bustle of people out in each of that magical gift, perhaps life is a gift enough and we should celebrate how lucky we are to be in a world full of surprises and fear. I can dream of the 70’s where everything was hessian orange pints of larger and safe, the music was so great too, those days seemed slower and brighter. Our clothes were more individual and we were all so much younger. Make sure you can get bored in the New Year, its the new way, just find time to have nothing to do, float and be in the day, observe the very sound of life going on around you. Stop, and go to ground like a fox, wonder around town and look up at the buildings not down at the street, be bored, put the phone down and get into a bath of nice warm nothing. But first, book a house concert buy a ticket for the Squeeze tour and enjoy the shopping trolly and mince pies. C