The O

Home is where the heart is


Days like these are enormous in life, but where do they go. Up early to FT then for a walk around the ship to see whats going on, there are many old people walking at no miles per hour, some slightly younger walking in running gear, and some slightly younger than that looking out of the window doing jigsaws. Me im getting a hair cut, not sure which one, then a facial and all in the cause of self soothing. The face pack did the trick, now i look whiter than a sheet of paper. Black heads gone. Lunch with the team who are all working on their songs with the folks on board. Busy day doing nothing watching old people and the sea, we are now 750 miles from New York, and the ship has slowed down, weather ok, windy as ever and hot. Prediction. Hot and wet, and windy.Some fog. Diner is as always very good, the view is amazing from our table onto the Atlantic. Its been a very lonely day for me working on emails and setting up future workshops. But as long as i can FT home then its ok. From the map on the tele i can now see Boston and New York, its close but there is work to do, and a wee rehearsal now with the band for a crew party down in the baggage hold. Its all glamour. The girls did a great job of making up the room and arranging everyone, we have a good thing here it seems. Everyone seemed to enjoy the short set of covers. Mama said ther’d be days like this. Fog. But its ok now, happiness Stan has come back, most of the day he has been in his head thinking and over thinking the past and the future, yet i have no control over any of it, so back off brain. Im a lucky boy, very lucky indeed. Lou found this cassette in the cupboard at home, it takes me back, back to a place where i used to be, but not now. Sleep of the just, but who are the just?