The O

Hey Man is this Glastonbury?


When Glenn and i first met we played a number of small festivals firstly on our own and then with our first band called Cum! It was frightening yet exciting all at once to be on a stage playing in front of people, even if they were all stoned. I remember being very nervous and not really knowing what chords to play when, and what words to sing, today things are a little better. We played our songs proudly and with much abandon. Glenn would whizz up and down the fretboard in such a poetic way, and with such class, i mearly strummed, or just sang where and if it was my turn. In those days festivals were without fences and walls, we played mostly on pallets of wood or on stages built with planks of scaffolding wood. We went on before all the main acts like The Pink Fairies and Hara Krishna, and today things are much the same. We are playing at Glastonbury just before lunch time on the Saturday, Adele tops the bill. Slightly different to Hawkwind. Im so happy to be playing the festival it feels like a milestone, we have been asking for years to perform  there and it seems if you keep knocking the door will eventually open. I wont be camping this year, as i did in 1974, i will be in a nice barn conversation with a shower. I wont be fishing for chords, i will be on top of it and in the moment as much as i can. It will all race by, as time will, but it will be so exciting in a grown up kind of a way. Back when we first played festivals the food was not up to much, toilets were trees and we had no road crew, it was all so basic and wonderful. I feel so lucky to have experienced life in this way, the gradual curve of life has lifted us from the far out blades of grass to the backstage catering tent without too much bruising. Tripping was then such a joyful pursuit, it lifted me up into the unknown of my mind, with the sounds and colours of the night, it was magical. Today that all seems so far away, the only trip i will be taking is to the loo on the way to the stage. I can’t wait to play on the Pyramid stage and look out at the blurry figures milling around in the Saturday lunchtime haze. The hippy in me still feels the love and the vibration of Glastonbury, its eclectic line up and its historic importance in the chapters of happiness and love. In 1973 we drive to our first festival in a friends van, it was called the fuck truck, im not sure why. Today Glenn will be in his bus, the front room of his life, and me in the Audi parked neatly away on a gravel drive. In the old days we would sit and strum together writing songs and being younger than springtime, today the complications of our journey will deliver us as a band on to the big stage with a setlist of songs which will tell its own story. I wont be bare footing it or will i be wearing face paint or glitter, but i will be wearing a white shirt. How i long for those days, a t-shirt and jeans, a fag on the go and a pad of paper close at hand. The bard in me was ever present, today i have to wrestle myself to the verse. Its June, the Glastonbury festival app is on my phone and im so excited to be seeing some great bands while im there, and hanging out with Mrs D and a pair of walking boots. Its been a very long journey from that first appearance at a festival site when stars in the sky seemed easy to reach, when the clouds of music i loved soaked over me drenching me in adventure, it was all to play for, and it still is im pleased to say. If you are lucky enough to be at Glastonbury this year come and see us we are playing at 12.25 until 1.15pm. I will be the one on the left of stage in the glasses looking like the kid who eat all the pies. Unlike Adele after the show i will be walking around looking for something to eat, i hope to see you at a Noodle bar along the way. Im not sure what time Hawkwind will be on this year but try and catch them, they might be on just after Magic Micheal or The Global Village Trucking Company, but i doubt it.