
Hebden Bridge


Cool undiscovered hippy boho enclave in the Yorkshire Dales. Lovely gig and people. All in the car for the longer than expected drive from Glasgow down the country to the scone filled plaza of Hebden Bridge. Our soundcheck took a record hour and half and diner in the near by Thai was even slower but it was nice like that. We were all getting on fine, it was so great to hang out with everyone and enjoy the spoiling banter of travel. The gig was ok nothing special apart from one lovely man asking us what we would like to drink at the end of the set, right before the encore. Lots of empty seats and and fantastic income of £324.20p, the 20p i let them keep. It just covered the hotel, which was in Bolton 30 miles away. Bed was a roasting room on a rainy night in a hotel that has seen better nights and days. The staff very grumpy indeed. And no free wifi, thats stupid and mean. So another night done and dusted. To return, im not sure. Dreaming of home and some clean underpants, poker dots and leopard skin. No not really. I love the set it sounds so great Boo and the boys and girl sound wonderful each night im so lucky. HB is a place for geese. Duck racing. Scones and nice soft shoes. The best thing was the brass band downstairs and young kids taking part, they sounded truly hovis and great. The one parking warden i saw had a fag on the go. It is the wild west up here. In the record shop on the high street ELP albums and a King crimson box set, in the pie shop, pies. I bought the Unthanks album, its so special buy it and be like me, pleased as punch. Its so very nice here, nice walks and lovely skies, a place for sheep and birds, birds swoop and sheep get sheered. I could live here if i were a sheep. I have heard that there was a murder in the hotel we stayed in, meat clever and kitchen. They don’t put that on the web site. My car has not been washed for over five days. Its time to leave town.