12 years ago
A positive use of this energy would be to begin a totally new and innovative project that consumes a great deal of energy and that will be largely identified with you when it is completed. You need to assert your individuality at this time, and this is a constructive way of doing it. (my reading for today) I love Somerset, its where the Difford’s came from many years ago, they worked on the train lines and this brought them to London. Charlton being the first port of call. Me i have been all over the place but find myself very much at home back in the West Country. Today we all arrived in Pilton to play the Workingman’s Club for Mr Evis of Glastonbury. The band seemed unfazed by the lack of younger punters, they embraced the wedding like atmosphere of the club, 2 year olds dancing with toy guitars and two generations away grandparents sitting on bar stools smiling at the talents from Cavan. During the day we walked down the fields to see the Pyramid stage, set to a stunning blue sly and a field full of cow pats. A spiritual journey. Staying at Pennard House just up the road was a real treat, its such a great place run by lovely people. What a great day. Meanwhile in the studio this weekend i was in London singing a song about a Tortoise for a charity album recorded by Kate St John and Callum McColl. I was Tommy Steel and Dick Van Dyke in full cockney swing. I really enjoyed the chance to sing again. A busy weekend, but they all seem to be these days. Firle is always consistent, and home is a great place to be. Louise was busy at the Fete where she ran the dog show with huge success. She did a great job by all accounts, village life is sweet and wonderful, in many ways its a dogs life!