The O

Feb In The Box


My first show of the year was at The Astor Theatre in Deal, a lovely evening and much longer than i anticipated. I was joined on stage by the wonderful singers of Arcelia. I was touched by the audience as i received a standing ovation. Clap. The drive to the venue there and back was emotional as i passed by the placed i survived a life of great Eden and yet such great change. Across the weald of pain and happiness, the house i first bought when i split up in my first marriage, the home where my children grew up, the church where i found friends to share my life with, the roads that led to recovery. I loved every minute of the drive there and back to my new home on the Old Coach Road. It was a fair old night and a very welcome back to the stage for me, thank you all of the people. Another month of being and writing, its good to be back at the pen, and to sit with him in doors as we wade through the new old songs. Time is lurking like a cat on a shed roof, with a bird sitting below. Its almost time to record and it is, album 258. I was up and down to Leeds again, i was working on my book, reading chapters and changing them, reading all the detail and the plate spinning of past and present sentences. It seems to be a ugly creative time, words upon words pilled like wood chopped from the fallen trees of my life. I feel like i have gum on my shoe and the movement is restricted in some ways, its a balance of understanding and hope, and it has to be like it has to be. So from one day to the next there is a sticky feeling to some of my words, its the gum chewed by the gap in our years. Having said that i did. February has always been hard to spell for me, its been a struggle throughout my life, Feb seems over personal and flat, i find the spell checker very useful when i slip into the laziness of not spelling the perfect. Where was i. I was there in the car riding around the empty roads of Kent and Sussex coming home in a very big circle of life known as the circle of life. Perhaps I had a wicked childhood perhaps I had a miserable youth, but somewhere in my wicked, miserable past there must have been a moment of truth. For here you are, standing there, loving me Whether or not you should so somewhere in my youth or childhood I must have done something good. Thats how it feels to me when i look out of my window at the passing countryside even in the darkness of my journey, and i slow down as i get closer to home as i want so much to be there in the passing of time, bed stops all of that. Sleep, clap. And when me and the Mrs went to Dulwich we saw a house, and we have no idea where this might lead but lead it must. I like Dulwich its true, its full of great places to eat, says fat so, and nice shops and a car wash. Lovely sunshine on the streets always fools my heart and i wish i was a nicer person. I so sorry for being so difficult, diff is in the name, but then so is cult.