The O

Earl of Dulwich


Up and into the dark room for another massage, and sir you look so stiff again. Im rubbed down and oiled. We talk about music and muscles, i drift in and out of real life, i feel the pain as he pushes my bones and flesh into mince meat, im a pie. Back in my room and its FT time with the angel, we speak of Saturday, we speak in ways that i never thought. Downstairs and its show time, all of the groups turn up on time to sing their songs, in the Kings Theatre which is full. Each group in turn setting higher and higher standards it was so inspiring. From 9 to 90 years old they gave everything. So great. Simon’s song again ended the show, such a hit number and so full of life, like the man himself. Each group was fantastic. The afternoon was a splendid collection of emotions and feelings. Im so proud to have taken part even in this small way by just putting people in the same room, me just the Shepard. When i look at the sea i can focus on the deepness and the secrets that it keeps, its almost as deep as me. I wonder how the tide turns, and how my higher power works its magic in my life, im so lucky that i really do not have anything to complain about. I have a woman who will walk with me into the next room of my life, im sure of that, she teaches me to let go and live in the passing of time. My journey, our journey. Here on the ship the sun has just slowly left the sky, but it is never far away, it is only just out of sight. Love is like the sun as it slips down behind the horizon only to come back up stronger and brighter than before, warmer and higher in my sky. Im on my way home, and it feels good. I want to thank Simon for delivering such a great song and being a magnet for pleasure and love, people warm to him quickly. I want to also thank Geoff who on his first crossing has proved so great, such a wonderful man. Amy for being the youngest member of the group, her wise young heart is an inspiration. John who is more than a bass player, he is love. Kate who gives her soul to this project and Angie who has sealed many friends and given her all to the moment. Chris is more than just a man who likes a sausage he is a total buddy, a younger brother, a real treat to know. Cunard people, they have been great towards us, it was a slow start but we got there. 100 people signed up, we fed 16 songs and watered 75 people into a bed of courage and the unknown. I think everyone should be so proud, i know i am. Its been a long week, but only because it had to be. In all of this there is the moment where inspiration takes a bow, waves its hand towards the floor and smiles. The sun has not gone to bed, its on its way into the next room with me and Lady Dulwich. The sun has been the spot light today for so many people. Good. This time tomorrow and i will be on the plane home. Home is where the heart is indeed. Tonight the final show in the pub, it was packed out, the band played for an hour and half, i sang a few songs, it was a good way to cap the week. Everyone seemed happy, it was wonderful to shake hands and say hello to all the people who enjoyed the making of the songs, very proud and happy people indeed. It has made some people’s lives. Wow. It is done. Up in my room now for some kip, i have to be up at 4.15 to watch the ship come into port. Not long now just over 24 hours and im back in London and everything will be as it should be. Thank you for reading my blog and taking part. More very soon im sure. Believe me, each journey we take has no destination and no leaving place, we just move through time leaving our spirit behind us. It is a gift to love and be loved, we should walk with happiness in our hearts if we can, because these days will not come back. I can see now that if i remain in this place that i am in when i write this tonight then nothing, nothing can go wrong for me. I have the courage to change the things i can, i have the wisdom to know the difference. All i need now is some sleep, a muffin and some coffee, a car to the airport a view of New York, a nice seat on the plane. I think i can achieve that, one step at a time.