
Dublin, a fair city


Its been a few years since we played in Dublin, and here we were playing to a Vicar street club full of lovely people. I had flown in from London everyone else was on the bus having played else where the night before. I was dog tired but i loved the playing, much more than the performing if that makes sense. I was into my guitar and into the sound of the band, which can be magical and inspired. We ran through the set as if it were something we did everyday of the week, we span on our quality. In my mind a feeling of change came over me and for the first time in years i wondered what it would be like with new songs in the set, what would we sound like, who would be the happiest. Its not far away now. On the bus i crept into a bunk and tried to sleep, i could hear the voices of the workers coming home from the world down below. The ferry and the bus the wind and the cold, i was then on a train, back to London. I was all over the place, but we had played in Dublin and the crack was still good as they say. Like Newcastle the night before we played a set balanced on the past, hits and almost rans, it works, don’t knock it. We are so lucky to get these shows every now and again, they seem to make sense, if only to keep our wheels oiled as a band and so we can see each other, old friends, they sit on the park bench like bookends. Life is ok from this side of the footlights.