
Digging the Future


The digger pulled the earth back like a giant can opener, and so the building work began with a sky full of sunshine. The first week started dry and warm, one of the builders, Wink, was down to his bare chest as he chipped away at the flint and stone walls. Out in the field a digger pulled two great long ditches, in these would be buried the piping for the ground sourced heating. By the end of the week a North wind had arrived along with three days of rain. New begingings. By turning the earth my life seems to have opened up, blocked thoughts suddenly flowed like a stream, i felt desperately sad yet humbly grateful and happy. The trapped wind of indecision was released. There is so much movement in my life its hard to know where to begin, the foundations are deep and meaningful just like i would expect them to be. Digging the future is where i am, i feel good about the future and all that it might reveal, today im seeing a new horizon. The band have been in Japan ripping up a storm by all accounts, as if i should be surprised. Their energy will lift them high into a new place, beyond Sushi and chips. And i miss them being in my day. They are back next week and then its more touring, this time with The Arctic Monkeys. On the home front there is much to do and people to see, emails to write and fires to light. Winter is not far away, its October, a month i have never really understood. One month from being back at school, one month in front of my birthday. My Dad would have been 94 this week if he had been alive, sadly he passed on and misses this very valuable part of my life, i would have loved him at my wedding to Louise. Dad would have been amazing with the jokes, Lew did a great job, and so did Mr Fielder, Lou’s Dad. He would have loved Firle and the pub, i think he would. His mother lived until she was 99, she had a beard and was bad mouthed about everything, although i remember little about her. October the month the builders dug up the ground and released a completly new energy into my day, its a significant time in so many ways. The first fire of the year was lit in our front room. October the new brave month of change. Outside the leaves are all on the turn, mostly green, some orange, some yellow, the roads are constantly damp, the sky constantly grey or cold, the sleep long heavy and warm. Pies and soups are back on the menu. Its cold on the nose, its cold on the toes. The barn is being revealed.