13 years ago
This is the gig that cost the whole tour, the whole reason we are here in many ways take two. Grace takes me backstage where a different world is taking place, wrist bands and security all the way. Even though we are in the desert its way too hot. Food, the set change and the sernity prayer, and a meeting by chance back stage. 50 minute set and back in the car to LAX. The tent we played in was full, everyone seemed happy, i was elsewhere, not sure where, but i went there and stayed there most of the day, i think i was in the air. Met some friends who play in other bands, Mike Rowe is such a sweet chap, nice to see him again. I would have loved to see Radiohead but New York was five hours away. Its just another day and its just another bed. Time is like soap, its gone in a rub. Cleaner for it. As festivals go this one is clean and tidy, almost like a golf club. Drinkers are penned into a bar area, dope is smoked all over the place and on stage the smell is strong, its a whiff and im stoned yet again. I think V and Glastonbury are far more fun, easier to navigate and to be part of. Its a massive thing yet i saw very little of the audience or managed to grab a feel for the event itself, but the airport was busy and i managed to make my flight at 11.45. I took my seat, dropped a pill and went into the sky, the next thing i knew we were in bad turbulence as expected from the sky maps. I thought about dirt roads and then we landed. East Coast, almost home. It feels so much more like home over here, im happy. Sad not to be with Lou, but this is what i do, the submariner of music, down down in the ocean of sound and emotions. God grant me…. and all this wind and rain, Ronnie Wood in the hotel doorway going to a meeting on Perry Street, a good time was had by all. His shop a few blocks away with his art work all there hanging. Proud.