

Check out “Crimbo One” on Mixcloud

At this time of the year i get asked to fly a comp up the flag pole by my daughters, here is where you will find them at the link above. Enjoy share and play loud. And at this time of the year its all down the shops to carry bags home full of swag full of stuff, and each time i go shopping i see the same things, and i want it all. One for me one for her. I do love this time of the year its cold and its warm its sunny and its wet, the traffic is mad and the new is full of rubbish. The build up to that one day is so magical and full on. There is no time for anything else. Holidays and tinsel. Its all there for the asking. Music please. Cards arrive from people you never hear from, emails flying around, kids with 5 sleeps on their minds, in anticipation of everything and more. A tree in a pot, decorations and delivery vans by the dozen. If only i had time to have a mince pie. I love them, and i used to hate them, life Olives. Its an age thing. The fridge needs filling for the one day, for that special day when we don’t stop to think about Jesus very much, but a little. Stuffing and cakes to make. I wish it could be Christmas every day playing in every shop. A time to unseal the pickle jar, time to roast chestnut, but why. Time to fly off to some far away land, time to be married. When i was a wee boy it was all so lovely, that box Dad filled with small gifts, it was a lucky dip. That game of remember what was on the tray, the TV shows and the radio, the sound of that radio. Mum’s long gasp in the kitchen as the sprouts boiled into bubbles. And the pies. Pudding with custard and a coin in the middle to bite on and spend down at the corner shop, which was closed. Everything is open. Cheese, thats a new one. Goose, how posh. Salmon how fancy. Give me the spouts and the roast spuds. The smell of that dinner. Its all there in the mind. Play on and enjoy the pigs in blankets. Mince pies. Sweets from the tin. Bath and bed. Wrapping paper all torn and collected in the bin, recycled boxes, empty hearts and distant voices calling. Lemons thats what we need.

Christmas is coming and the old codger is getting fat. And hooray its now Winter Solstice and the days begin to get longer by degrees, baby steps towards summer again and sandles with socks, Fred’s and A/C in the car. Some blue sky. A very important day. Here on the corner of Firle we are ship wrecked in paradise, which is a great thing in some ways, but being this side of a swede is almost as perfect as a turned up nose on a Donkey. In days past we would be up against the Earls, and history would make us the poor, we would be tossed to one side, cold in the field, left to rot. Today we are bridging the gap, where the toffs have fallen and fallen closer to the edges of reality, this is where we think we are, and here we cross swords no more but barter for title and land with a jolly smile and a hunting dog, a pony or two and some fallen plaster. A house, a home. Today we are lucky. Its not been easy these past few weeks, but now we know that our ship is in dry dock, we are here in this day. Five years. My brain hurts a lot, five years, thats all we’ve got. Our lease our noose our hanging in Eden. Thank you dear Lord. Its the music that will play at all of our funerals and none of this will be forgotten. The Ark is here, two by two by two. Happy days Santa, pack that sleigh and get down here quick, four more sleeps.

Has there been a songwriter like this come along in the past years, i doubt it. Five Years, thats all we’ve got. My brain hurts a lot, five years, thats all we’ve got. Our lease our noose our hanging in Eden. Thank you dear Lord. Its the music that will play at all of our funerals and none of this will be forgotten. The Ark is here, two by two by two. Happy days Santa, pack that sleigh and get down here quick, four more sleeps, and the Jesus and Santa meet on the stairs.