The Official Chr

Bread and Butter


Devastating news this morning, David who bakes bread in our village has thrown in the towel, to help his lovely wife run her new business. The village will not be the same. I used to be able to walk down three cottages in a row and there would be a wicker basket full of freshly baked bread, with an honesty pot for the money. Toast was a real treat, and often i would but more than one loaf, one to freeze. On Sunday i was in a local shop and spotted one of David’s loafs, i bought it home and made toast. I had no idea it was to be my last slice. I became addicted to bread when i first moved to Firle, i had toasters full of bread, and when i could not get bread from The Street i would buy it from the many bakers in Lewes. There are three nice bakers in Lewes, dealers of fine bread, some with all kinds of nice things baked inside. I tried them all, like any addict would, but none were as good as David’s. So as i snooped along the street this morning to see if the whicker basket was glowing its golden glow, my heart sank as the table was empty and at that very moment David pulled up in his car. Good news, he beamed, no more 4am baking, im working full time on the home business. I shock his hand and congratulated him with rounds of deep sadness deep inside the emotional toaster. Good luck to them both, you have to follow the money in life, it leads to the next place, and in some ways meeting David today made me think about my life and the oven i have been baking in. A chance meeting and a love for locally baked bread manages to hold a mythical mirror up to my being and asks the very same question of me. I read my chart for further clarification.

This is a time when you should turn your attention to the most outward aspects of your life – your career, your role in the larger society and your standing and reputation within the community. You should also take this time to examine your life as a whole and see if you are going in the direction you want and making adequate progress in your life. This transit is future oriented rather than past oriented. You may have to deal with elements of your past, but only to make corrections so that you can plan more intelligently for the future.

Pass me the oven gloves!