


Sushi in the dressing room thanks to the wonderful Grace, she who smiles and calls me Difford just like her Mum did all those years ago when she worked for Squeeze, those were the golden days of make up on stage and tonic suits we all looked so great and the lights were so much brighter then. Tonight a sell out, and wow what a good crowd, on many different levels. It was fun but we all knew it would be, we all did what we do well and without trace of a smile, we just did the show. In the car and up to New York for me and back to bed in the hotel Soho Grand, a very great place to stay, Tony makes us always feel so welcome, thank you. Sometimes there is meet and greet, tonight not a soul. Some nights i miss the meets as i dash off for the journey ahead, and im sorry for those people who i may have missed. Like Elvis, i leave the building, but unlike Elvis i drive myself mad. Sid waits at home, where life is bliss for everyone, can’t wait to join in with the country life. From this seat the window. Our tour manager has done a great job on this tour, thank you Paul. Not an easy task, no money no power no sleep.