The Official

21 Sep 2016

The Empty Chair

Since i have been in Phoenix Arizona i have been eating and not sleeping, eating and thinking about...

23 Aug 2016

Sofa, So Good

This summer Lou and i saw Groundhog Day at the Old Vic with my dear friend Mark Nevin and Louise...
Summers seem to race by as you get older, one minute its May and the next its almost September and...

14 Jul 2016

Graduation Day

Today i went proudly to see my daughter Cissy graduate from Goldsmiths Collage in London, i used an...

30 Jun 2016

Very Worthy Farm

The beauty of friendship is that you never know its deepness until you age with it, and its an...
When Glenn and i first met we played a number of small festivals firstly on our own and then with...

22 Apr 2016

Pop life

“Just wait a few days before saying your prayers.” I was in Brussels recording Cosi Fan Tutti...

07 Apr 2016

March in Plaster

March on, and that’s what we did, we marched on. I loved getting dressed up as a woman for the...
February and the band stepped back into the studio to record a freshly written song, it was good to...
When i first heard The Yellow Submarine album i was gutted that side two was all classical music,...

13 Mar 2016

Nice one

My local record shop in 1971 was across Blackheath on the Parade of shops facing the church. The...
The Sunday Express asked me to write a piece on love songs, the editor thought it was too whimsical...

01 Feb 2016

January 16

It seems like the parents of our musical heritage are passing on, its time, it shows us all that...

12 Jan 2016

Life on Marrs

Was that you Glenn blowing your trumpet, nice one!   FOLLOWING ON FROM SUNDAY’S INTERNET...

11 Jan 2016

David Bowie

In 1972 i was sitting in my bedroom in my tiny house on a council estate in London when the penny...
Apart from Christmas what is there to do on the 31st of December. A gratitude list springs to mind...

30 Dec 2015

The steps

It seems that when i was a young man there was no fear and the streets seemed empty, today its an...
The final week 10 days came with much the same weight as before the travel the lack of sleep the...
Driving from Red Bank NJ to Manhattan i was filled with excitement as the horizon of the city came...

03 Dec 2015

Hello Cleveland

Behind my hotel the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame, I’m not sure i ever want to be inducted into a...
A really lovely evening in a small but warm venue in a small but warm town. I was dead on my feet...
Look how far we’ve come! It’s good to focus on the task ahead, on what remains to be done....

26 Nov 2015

Mini Apples

The long drive came to an end and i was hit by a head cold as i stumbled into my room in...

24 Nov 2015

Are We There Yet

Im really only writing this to keep from falling asleep, we have been on the road now for 8 hours,...