The O

And the wind cries Mary


Flu has kicked in and i feel shaky i have broken a tooth and the ships horn is going on all day as we glide through the darkness of fog, how the Captain does it is impressive. I showed him a few tricks when i was up there the other day, sat nav tips, he now can see where the cash points are on route and Tesco stores. A long day for the chaps and ladies recording and being creative Simon has really nailed his team, so great. In the afternoon i played my solo show with films and there was a big crowd which was good, Gordon sent me an email that touched me about the show. Roger said it was sad in a good way. My voice was deeper than the sea. Diner came and went and back into the Golden Lion for a blast through some songs in the key of Sea. I went to bed but the team migrated down to the crew bar. Last night men in underpants were seen at 4am dancing in the club, having just been in the pool which was closed. We got told off. I saw an Aircraft carrier today, it was bigger than this ship, huge bloody thing. I also saw nothing else. Life on board is making loads of sense now and i really like it here its calm and collected. The time of the day is not important, who knows what day it is. People play scrabble and read books, they relax, people walk around the deck in the droves, i like it and feel calm myself. Yes i miss home and family and my loved ones but this is time passing like a majestic magic carpet on a wind of open sea and sky. Tonight the moon looked handsome above the funnel Simon lay up on deck for an hour, i could feel the thoughts of love, of hope and blessing. The serenity of being is there to be swallowed up as i stare into the great deepness of the ocean with its many stories, its mystery is astounding. You think you know so much until you get out here and then you see you know very little of the reality of life. What can i dream but of the casting and pollenating of life, shadows fall on grey blue waves, winds blow phases of thoughts across open and contrasting moments, the sky home to mystery in refection. My heart is swollen by the fantastic love being, the ever so wonderful and the challenged in thought. Back home the cup remains the same, still there by the wash basin, it will be there when i return too, as time flicks its pages in my book, this is me on this chapter and here i see and feel the happiness that God has given me in this day to enjoy and be part of this great journey. As i look out from my deck i see nothing but hope and love there is no turning back in the way i feel, with each and every word that comes to my heart i can treasure all i have found. This is my time, this is my world to pass through with my open hands. What more can i ask for than this. Some cod maybe!