
Albert Hall Annie Hall and oats


A day of complete happiness and love, breakfast, so nice. So inspired. A run through at the Albert Hall, so wonderful, and the Orchestra were as one, a whole soup of love. We spent most of the day running the songs and doing interviews, and taking time to work with the teenagers who are everything about this week. They sang on Cool for cats and on stage i felt humbled by their presents. What problems can i possibly have in my life. I enjoyed the show so much and people back stage commented on how happy i seemed to be, which was good, and it was true. Glenn was on fire and sang Vanity fair so beautifully. Simon was solid and as ever a great back bone of love. JB was and is, the loveliest guy. Stephen was everything he needed to be, and more. Del Newman arranged and conducted with great understatement. Back stage all my friends turned out to see us and give their support, all my writer mates and Emma came up from Brighton with her mates and family, my brother, who i missed sadly, all my pals from here there and everywhere, Gordon my best pal, it was just like Christmas but without the turkey. Just cake. I was spun on a circle so giddy that i was spun out of the room at one point, i think that was when i couldn’t get back stage as i did not have the right pass. I was so proud to see Matt and Catty there tonight too they have had such a tough time recently, big hugs to them. The whole crew seemed to gel together well. I have nothing to complain about. Cissy and i came home in a taxi, the lady driver was so cool, a black lady with long legs, she found what she called a lucky penny from the street outside my house, she popped it in my hand, i was touched, and it made for a great end to the day. Its all coming back to me now, why i am who i am, and i may get many things wrong in my life but im not a bad person, and when i do things like this, and i take part in my life i get to sample what is really for me, and what life reflects for me. Tonight it reflected the true nature of friendship and the muscle of emotion which when relaxed can let go of what never was.

Got pissed and went to bed with a bag of chips and a peanut butter sandwich x