The Official Chr



The days go oh too quickly, slow down my days lead this way not that and take it slow, for my end is nearer the more sleep, the more i dream. And then London and the 229. The band took to the stage and stole it. Side of stage, my new pose, it reminded me of why i do this, pride and happiness. Before hand Grace and i went for dinner with Gordon and Angus the bands wonderful agent. We went all Turkish, such a delight. The owner said he recognised Gordon and gave us some fruit and a candle, this after Gordon and told them we are CID. All the waiters clucked around us, Gordon kept up the story and we left with a light bill. Grace looks great, her job shines on her, im so pleased for Grace. A new Chris Wood album out today, i received the email and stopped the car on Park Lane to download. Alas i phones wont let you do this, so it was home at 1am and press the mouse, and here it is. Christ its maybe why i stopped. Its also oddly what might make me start again, but from another angel.